Adult Mental Health Clinics - Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region
Mental Health & Addiction Services: Adult Mental Health Clinics
Adult Mental Health Clinics
Mental Health & Addiction Services
Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region
2110 Hamilton St - 3rd floor
Regina SK S4P 2E3
Tel: 306 766-7800
Fax: 306 766-7811
Mental Health Clinic Reception
The Adult Mental Health Clinics are part of a continuum of treatment and support services available for adults (age 18 and over). They provide a wide range of community-based services for people who are having significant problems related to their mental health and well being. All services are provided free of charge.
Intake Program
Entry to all programs and services at the Mental Health Clinic in Regina is through the Intake Program. You may be referred to the Clinic by your family physician. You may also phone the clinic yourself. Program staff will briefly discuss your concerns with you and determine which program is right for you, whether it be a program at the Clinic or one offered by another community agency. In addition, the staff provide crisis intervention services and individual counselling.
The Crisis Response Team (CRT) is a special unit designed to respond to mental health crises in the Regina community. Like all Mental Health Clinic programs, calls to the CRT must go through Intake (766-7800), whether during office hours or after hours. Mobile Crisis Services responds to all after hours calls.
Adult Community Program
This program provides mental health services to individuals affected in significant ways by mental disorder, severe stress or other problems in living. Requests for services most commonly come from people who have depression, anxiety, eating disorders, severe stress reactions or adjustmen difficulties. Others seek help for problems related to physical, sexual or emotional abuse.
Individual Counselling
Individual counselling is available for people experiencing severe difficulty coping, day to day, and who show significant deterioration in their level of functioning and mental health. Both urban and rural clinics offer this service.
Psychosocial Skills Training Group
Special group programming for persons diagnosed with personality disorder is available through your physician or individual counsellor.
Alternatives to Violence
This program provides assessment and group programming for men who have been physically, verbally or psychologically abusive to their female partners. Philosophically, it is based on the belief that men need to be accountable for their abusive behaviours and responsible for living a non-violent lifestyle.
Alternatives to Sexual Offending
The program provides assessment and group programming for men who have committed a sexual offense or who are concerned that their sexual behaviour is inappropriate and could develop into sexual abuse.
Rehabilitation Program
The Rehabilitation Program provides long-term case management and rehabilitation services for clients who have a long-term serious mental illness. Ongoing support and counselling enables clients to achieve and maintain mental wellness and their optimal level of independence in the community. Services are provided on-site, at the Clinic and in the community. Referral to this program must be made by a psychiatrist.
Other services available to Rehabilitation Program clients include a supportive residential placement program, vocational counselling, family education and support, medication management (including an injection medication clinic) and financial services.
Vocational Services Coordinator
Working with all referred clients within the Mental Health Clinic, this position provides assessment, vocational counselling using a, "choose - get - keep" process, co-ordination of community resources and public education. Issues around legislation and back-to-work accommodation are also addressed.
Adult Psychiatry
Adult psychiatrists provide a wide array of services including assessments, consultation to other programs, medication management, counselling and emergency after-hours services. They also admit clients to the Inpatient Unit or to the Day Hospital Program. Psychiatry provides outreach psychiatric services to the Regina Correctional Centre and to the Region's long-term care facilities.
Rural Adult Mental Health Clinics
The Mental Health Clinics in the rural areas of the Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region are located in Grenfell and Fort Qu'Appelle. They offer services similar to the Adult Community Program and Rehabilitation Programs in Regina, described above. Rural residents may access Regina-based programs that are not available in the rural areas through one of the rural mental health workers.
Where to Find Us
Mental Health Clinic
3rd floor, 2110 Hamilton Street, Regina, S4P 2E3
Rural Mental Health Clinics
721 Stella Street, S0G 2B0
Tel: 866 367-8743
Fax: 306 697-2556
Fort Qu'Appelle
178 Boundary Avenue, S0G 1S0
Tel: 866 367-8743
Fax: 306 332-1226
Tel: 866 367-8743
Fax: 306 435-2733
