Child & Youth Services - Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region
Mental Health & Addiction Services: Child & Youth Services
Child & Youth Services
Mental Health & Addiction Services
Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region
1680 Albert St
Regina SK S4P 2S6
Tel: 306 766-6700
Fax: 306 766-6944
Child and Youth Services provides services to children, youth and families experiencing significant mental health problems. Some of these services are aimed at detecting problems early and providing treatment and ongoing support to prevent future problems. Individual, family and group counselling, including speech therapy for pre-school children, are available.
Children's Services Program
The Children's Services Program provides family-centred mental health services to children up to the age of 11 years. Services include assessment and treatment for a range of emotional, developmental and behavioral disorders. Families are offered a number of other services including parenting programs. In many cases the professionals in the Children's Services Program work together as a team to provide children with the best service. Children and families will be linked with other agencies as needed.
The Children's Services Program provides consultation for children admitted to the RQHR pediatric and adolescent units. Consultation and treatment services are also provided to the rural areas within the Region.
A special team made up of a variety of mental health and addictions professionals provides support and training for Kids First Regina programs, including the home visitors. Kids First is a unique program that provides support to vulnerable expectant and new mothers in Regina.
The Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region conducted a review of services to children with autism. Click here to view the report entitled “Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region Autism Services Review.â€
Youth Services Program
The Youth Services Program provides mental health assessments, treatment and clinical case management for youth age 11 to 18. This program provides rehabilitation and continuing care of severely disturbed youth. Family members are welcome to participate in their youth's care.
Youth can attend groups designed to help them develop specific personal skills. The Youth Services staff also deliver group programs for parents.
Consultation, support and education is provided to a number of youth-serving agencies in the Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region. Professional staff provide either treatment directly to youth clients of these community agencies or consultation to the staff on a variety of related issues.
The Youth Services Program works in partnership with the Adolescent Unit and Adolescent Day Hospital Program at the Regina General Hospital to help make the move from hospital to community-based care as smooth as possible.
Young Offender Services Program
The Young Offender Services Program targets the mental health needs of youth charged under the Youth Criminal Justice Act. Young persons involved in the youth justice system may be referred at any time during the course of appearing in Youth Court, or after being sentenced, for psychological or psychiatric assessment and treatment. Staff work in partnership with youth workers in the community and in custody facilities to provide service to youth in conflict with the law.
A special treatment program for youth who have committed sexual offenses is also available. The intensity of the program depends, to a large degree, on the youth's risk to re-offend. Treatment is done in groups, with individual and family sessions provided as needed.
The Program staff also provides training in other health regions in the province, to the staff of other government departments within the Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region, and to community homes and open custody facilities.
Alliance for Suicide Awareness and Prevention
The Alliance for Suicide Awareness and Prevention (ASAP) Program is a comprehensive community-based suicide prevention, intervention and postvention program that extends beyond an urban child and youth mandate to include adult and rural populations. ASAP supports actions designed to reduce the incidence of suicidal behaviours with strategies that include:
* Community awareness and education;
* Professional training and consultation;
* Coordinated community response;
* Certified suicide intervention workshops; &
* Research and resource materials.
Randall Kinship Centre
The Randall Kinship Center offers programs developed to meet the needs of families with children and youth who have serious disruptive behaviour problems. The program tries to meet each child's unique needs. Families, as a whole, are provided treatment and support.
The services provided at the Randall Kinship Centre are usually long-term and intensive. They are provided in a way that honors First Nations and Metis cultures, values and beliefs.
Randall Kinship Centre programs include:
* Parenting education;
* Care delivered in the home, school and neighbourhood;
* Crisis services;
* Behaviour therapy;
* Problem-solving skills development;
* Community development;
* Partnerships with the community and other agencies;
* Aboriginal Problem Gambling Services; and
* Addictions services for young offenders.
Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
The psychiatrists at Child and Youth Services are specialists in child and adolescent psychiatry. As a part of Child and Youth's interdisciplinary team, they provide direct clinical treatment, consultation, assessment and follow up for children and youth, up to age 18. They work closely with family physicians, schools and other community agencies, consulting and providing recommendations. They also manage the care of the youth they admit to the Adolescent Unit and the Adolescent Day Hospital Program at the Regina General Hospital.
Rural Child & Youth Mental Health Clinics
Child and Youth Services in the rural areas of the Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region are located in Grenfell and Fort Qu'Appelle. They offer services similar to those described above. Rural residents may access Regina-based programs that are not available in the rural areas through one of the rural child and youth mental health workers.
Where to Find Us
Child & Youth Clinic
1680 Albert Street, Regina, S4P 2S6
Randall Kinship Centre
1692 Albert Street, Regina, S4P 2S6
Tel: 306 766-6780
Fax: 306 766-6783
Rural Child & Youth Clinics
721 Stella Street, S0G 2B0
Tel: 866 367-8743
Fax: 306 697-2556
Fort Qu'Appelle
178 Boundary Avenue, S0G 1S0
Tel: 866 367-8743
Fax: 306 332-1226
Tel: 866 367-8743
Fax: 306 435-2733
