Native Addictions Council of Manitoba
The mission of N.A.C.M. is to provide traditional healing services to our people through holistic treatment of addictions.
Native Addictions Council of Manitoba
160 Salter St
Winnipeg MB R2W 4K1
Tel: 204 586-8395
Fax: 204 589-3921
N.A.C.M.'s programs embody a holistic concept of healing: Mind, Body and Spirit. N.A.C.M.'s programs have, at their heart, a spiritual view which suggests all things in life are related in a sacred manner, and are governed by natural laws.
The fundamental elements stressed are: "a belief in or knowledge of unseen powers FAITH, knowledge that all things in the universe are dependent on each other SHARING, and a belief that we must respect all creation KINDNESS, a personal commitment to be forthright in all our affairs HONESTY, and that personal worship reinforces the bond between an individual, the family, the community and the Great Spirit. Worship PRAYER is a personal commitment to the sources of Life."
The Program
The Program consists of cultural practices. These meetings are geared to develop awareness of substance abuse, as well as recovery of the M/E/P/S aspect of one's life. List of topics include:
* Self-esteem
* Values and beliefs
* Grief and loss
* Prevention and recovery plan
Programs Offered at N.A.C.M.
Pritchard House The Pritchard House Treatment Program is Manitoba's longest running program comprised entirely of staff who are of Native descent, for the treatment of addictions.
Women's Program A six week, home based and Outreach Program for Native women, who have been impacted by the legacy of residential schools, addictions and other issues. AS OF MARCH 31, 2010 THE ABORIGINAL HEALING FOUNDATION IS NO LONGER FUNDING THE WOMEN'S SAGE PROGRAM.
Youth Program Motivating youth through cultural awareness. Helping youth to build confidence. AS OF MARCH 31, 2010 THE ABORIGINAL HEALING FOUNDATION IS NO LONGER FUNDING THE WOMEN'S SAGE PROGRAM.
Gambling Program N.A.C.M.'s Gambling Program has two certified couselors available to administer gambling focused therapy.
Outreach Program N.A.C.M.'s Outreach Treatment Program has been designed to meet the needs of those members of the public who are currently dealing with addiction-related issues, but who do not feel a residential program to be appropriate.
