St. Raphael Wellness Centre
St. Raphael Wellness Centre (SRWC) is a welcoming community for healing and spiritual growth where individuals, families and friends affected by addictions are accompanied on their journey towards recovery in body, mind and spirit.
St. Raphael Wellness Centre
225 Vaughan St - 2nd floor
Winnipeg MB R3B 1B6
Tel/Fax: 204 956-6650
Who We Serve
St. Raphael Wellness Centre (SRWC) is a non-denominational, non-judgmental and participant-driven organization that seeks to help individuals over 18 years of age who are recovering from addictions at a variety of stages. There is no charge for access to the program thanks to support from the Province of Manitoba Healthy Living, and our different programs are suited to a variety of participant needs including:
* Those seeking to examine issues of chemical dependency in their life
* Those awaiting a treatment program at a different agency
* Those who have completed their treatment program and want long term support as they continue their recovery
* Family members and significant others who have individuals in their life who are still involved with Alcohol Drug or gambling; recovering from an addiction; or currently participating in a recovery program.
For more information, please contact us. or fill out our online application
About Our Programs
Pre-treatment Programs
Treatment Readiness
We create the opportunity for individuals to critically evaluate their alcohol/drug and/or gambling patterns and assist the individual in developing a recovery action plan and supporting them in their recovery journey.
Access Support
For individuals who have made a decision to access a rehabilitation program of their choice. While awaiting entry we provide:
* A supportive environment.
* Individual and Group Support.
* A forum for discussion and behavioral rehearsal.
* Advocacy support in addressing situational needs.
* Support for attendance at a self-help group.
Post-Treatment Programs
Continuing Recovery
For individuals completing a residential and/or community based rehabilitation program we provide:
* A therapeutic environment to continue the healing process.
* Re-entry/integration supports into their home communities.
* Family counseling.
* Couples counseling
* Information and skills to manage addiction related issues
Ongoing Recovery
For individuals who are in the Maintenance Stage of recovery who have lapsed/relapsed or are in danger of relapsing, or facing personal distress. We provide:
* A safe therapeutic environment
* A comprehensive assessment specific to their current needs.
* Family counseling
* Assistance to individuals in redeveloping a recovery plan specific to their current needs.
Family Program
For family members and significant others who have individuals in their life who are still involved with Alcohol Drug or gambling; recovering from an addiction; or currently participating in a recovery program. We provide:
* Individual/group closed group counseling
* Family/couples closed group counseling
* Information on the addiction and recovery process.
* Skill development and strategies to manage crisis issues.
Affected Persons Support Group
We provide ongoing, open group support for individuals and family members once they have completed our Family Program.
