Women's Residential Services (River House) - Addictions Foundation of Manitoba
The Addictions Foundation of Manitoba provides leadership in prevention, education, and treatment.
To enhance the health and well-being of Manitobans through a collaborative continuum of services through leadership in education, prevention, and treatment associated with the negative impact of alcohol, other drugs and gambling.
Women's Residential Services (River House)
Addictions Foundation of Manitoba
586 River Ave
Winnipeg MB R3L 0E8
Tel: 204 944-6229
Fax: 204 284-5520
"Provides a safe, caring and respectful environment where women who are dependently involved can begin their journey into recovery; women are supported by women to empower themselves."
River House is a 28 day residential rehabilitation facility for women who are dependently involved. Medical and psychology services with on-site physician and psychologists.
Upon completion of the residential rehabilitation program, clients are encouraged to participate in the continuing care program. This program provides the opportunity for women to continue to access support in a healthy peer environment.
For women's intake and assessment information call 944-6229.
