Addiction Treatment Centre - Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region
Addiction Services: In Regina
Addiction Treatment Centre
Mental Health & Addiction Services
Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region
1640 Victoria Ave
Regina SK S4P 0P7
Tel: 306 766-6600
Fax: 306 766-7970
Addiction Services Programs
Appointments/Referrals (306) 766-6650
These programs are available for any person who is dependent on or affected by another's use of alcohol or drugs. Individuals are assessed according to their needs and placed in the most appropriate combination of programs and services. This could include individual counselling or group sessions for the substance-affected client or family members. On completion of a treatment program, clients may continue with aftercare follow-up services.
Addiction Services is a strong advocate for those wishing to include traditional cultural care into their recovery plans. First Nation and Metis Elders are available for support and guidance to all clients wishing to follow a cultural path. If you wish to speak with an Elder, one can be available by request.
Our holistic approach to treatment and recovery follows closely with the Medicine Wheel teachings that to fully heal we need to treat the body, mind, emotions and spirit together. To this end we provide the resources that our clients require, including a smudging and healing room for spiritual practices.
Day Patient Program
The Day Patient Program is a 3-week, group-based, non-residential program for chemically dependent people. Included are presentations and interactive group sessions plus one-on-one counselling. Participants must be referred to this program by an Addiction Counsellor at Addiction Services.
Insight Group
The Insight Group is a psycho-educational group for individuals who have been affected by someone’s use and abuse of alcohol or other drugs. An eight week program three hours per week offered twice a year. Interested individuals should contact the Intake Office at Addiction Services. Referral from a counsellor at Addiction Services is necessary.
Discovery Group
The Discovery Group is an educational group which allows participants to explore their chemical use and assist in personal recognition that addiction may be present. The purpose of attendance in the Discovery Group is to assist the client in recognizing the effects that chemicals may have had on their lives and finding alternative behaviours. Participants must be referred to this program by a counsellor at Addiction Services
Relapse Prevention Group
Individuals who are currently in recovery from alcohol and drugs but think they could be at risk to relapse will benefit from this group. The relapse prevention group will provide the chemically dependent person with tools and a plan to overcome the barriers that lead to relapse. This 10 to 12 week course will run one night a week, twice a year. Persons are required to undergo an initial assessment to participate in this group.
Saskatchewan Government Insurance Safe Driving Program
This program provides screening and referrals for drivers referred by Saskatchewan Government Insurance. To register for this program contact the Intake Office at 766-6650.
Community Outreach Services
* 4 Directions Community Health Centre
* AIDS Programs, South Saskatchewan, Regina
* Adult Campus
* All Nations Hope
* Community Training Resources
* Catholic Family Services
* Psychiatric and Day Patient Units, Regina General Hospital
* Kids First
* Public School Board
* Separate School Board
Community Education Programs
(306) 766-6648
Community education programs offered by this service are based on best practice models and focus on education and prevention, with an aim to create a better understanding of addictions in the community. Educational services include the Community Education Course, as well as, workplace presentations and general public presentations on request.
Brief and Social Detoxification Services
1640 Victoria Ave, Regina, S4P 0P7
(306) 766-6622
The integrated Detoxification program provides a safe, controlled environment for individuals who are under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs or are in a state of acute withdrawal. Individuals will stay at the 20 bed Brief or “Intox†Unit or at the 25 bed Social or “Detox†detoxification facility.
Harm Reduction Methadone Clinic
1048 Albert Street, Regina, S4R 2P8
(306) 766-6350
This is a harm reduction program for injection drug users that also includes a recovery option. Program goals include improving the social determinants of health for injection drug users and other at-risk individuals, and to reduce injection drug use, drug-related crime rates and Hepatitis C and HIV infection rates in Regina and area.
Youth Programming
2110 Hamilton Street, Regina, S4P 2E3
Phone: (306) 766-7910
Fax: (306) 766-7909
Youth counsellors can be contacted either at the office telephone number or at participating Public and Separate Schools. A wide variety of treatment options are available. The youth counsellors will work to determine which combination of programs best meet the needs of the individual. Services offered by the Youth Team include:
* School Initiative
* Community Outreach
* Prevention and Education
* Parent Awareness and Support Program
* ‘Taking Care of Me’ Support Group
Problem Gambling Programs
2110 Hamilton Street, Regina, S4P 2E3
Phone: (306) 766-7910
Fax: (306) 766-7909
A wide variety of treatment options are available including:
* Dual-diagnosis Group Program
* Women's Group
* Individual Counselling
* Day Treatment Program
* Other Therapeutic Groups
Click here to view a pamphlet with more information about the services offered to problem gamblers.
Co-Occurring Disorder Program
2110 Hamilton Street, Regina, S4P 2E3
Phone (306) 766-7910
Fax: (306) 766-7909
This program is designed to work with Individuals with a chemical addiction and a diagnosed mental illness. Services offered are:
* Individual Counseling
* Therapeutic Group
Clients must be referred to this program by a counsellor at Addiction Services
Secure Youth Detoxification Centre
Main # (306)787-1058
Fax # (306)787-4307
Addiction Services provide daily clinical services to youth admitted under the YDDSA for Detox and Stabilization. Working as part of a multi-disciplinary team, Addiction Services counsellors provide clinical, consultative and referral services to individuals and families. Addiction Counsellors participate in developing community safety plans and provide contemporary care services to youth after discharge. Community Treatment orders are referred to youth team outreach workers to ensure ongoing support is available to the youth and families.
Drug Treatment Court
Phone: (306) 766-6300
Fax: (306) 766-7927
Drug Treatment Courts are special, therapeutic courts that divert drug-addicted offenders away from incarceration and into an intensive treatment program to address their addictive and criminogenic behaviour. This program combines daily attendance at an individualized treatment program and regular supervision by the court. This holistic approach involves the judiciary, Addiction Services staff and community agencies, such as The Ministry of Social Services and The Ministry of Corrections and Public Safety and Policing, Probation Services. The Drug Treatment Court Program Centre also provides the participants with an introduction to Aboriginal Culture and Spirituality. To be eligible, adult offenders must be dependent on drugs and their criminal behaviour must have been caused or motivated by their addiction. Participants must have a residence in Regina. Participation in the Drug Treatment Court program is voluntary but requires the approval of the Crown Prosecutor.
Dedicated Substance Abuse Unit
Regina Provincial Correctional Centre
The Correctional Addiction Initiative is a six week program for inmates incarcerated at the Regina Provincial Correctional Centre. It is a designated unit that provides in patient treatment programming for high risk/ high need offenders. The treatment program includes individual counselling, educational workshops, and process groups. All referrals are taken from sentenced inmates within the Regina Provincial Correctional Centre.
