MACSI Regina
Metis Addictions Council of Saskatchewan Inc. Regina Center
The Council is a community-based organization established in 1969 to provide alcohol and drug recovery, re-integration and healing programs to Metis and off-reserve Indian peoples of Saskatchewan. While services target Metis and Indian peoples, the Council services are open to ALL citizens of Saskatchewan.
MACSI Regina
329 College Ave E
Regina SK S4N 0V9
Tel: 306 352-9601; 866 815-6515
Regina Addiction Services
Regina Centre is unique because we offer a Family Program to our clients in their third week of treatment. The Program is for 3 – 3 and a 1/2 days in which the family learns about addictions and the disease.
Our process in which we accept new clients is on a continuous intake and clients are brought into the inpatient treatment program three days a week, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.
We have a Cultural Program which consists of an Elder who comes into the centre once a week for a full day. He does a Holistic Healing Circle and sees the clients individually if they choose to. This is a very important part of our program as the clients learn a lot about themselves and they are given tools to continue their journey when they are done treatment. Also if clients ask to attend a Sweat the Counsellors set this up for them, this is also a very important part of our program.
We celebrate National Addictions Awareness Week (NAAW) every year in the third week of November (Friday). We celebrate by having a SOBER WALK from Regina Detox to our facility. We encourage and invite everyone to come and join us on this very special event.
We have a Field Educator at the centre and she travels to communities in the Western Region II area. She provides addiction and treatment information to clients and family members, evaluating a client’s advancement towards intended goals, by coordinating counseling with other mental health care professionals as needed. She also has meetings with other care team members to coordinate the client’s progress.
Our Outpatient department offers an after-care group for all stages of recovery and this program is offered in the evenings. One to one counseling is offered in this program also. Anyone needing help or wanting inpatient treatment will need to contact our Outpatient Counsellor for an appointment.
Our centre is very welcoming and we try and make it as comfortable as we can for our clients and guests. Our Regional Director is respected and she directs staff with her leadership qualities and these are the staffs’ assets. Her approach is inviting and staff learns and grows and respects her, the direction she leads them with is encouragement and compassion. The staff works well as a team and we have a strong unity, and as a team we are client focused.
