MACSI Saskatoon
Metis Addictions Council of Saskatchewan Inc. Saskatoon Center
The Council is a community-based organization established in 1969 to provide alcohol and drug recovery, re-integration and healing programs to Metis and off-reserve Indian peoples of Saskatchewan. While services target Metis and Indian peoples, the Council services are open to ALL citizens of Saskatchewan.
MACSI Saskatoon
335 Avenue G S
Saskatoon SK S7M 1V2
Tel: 306 652-8951; 877 652-8951
Fax: 306 665-0703
Saskatoon Addiction Services
In-Patient Treatment
Our In-patient Center is a co-ed residential facility that provides service to clients in a safe, supportive, chemical free-free environment. Treatment is a 28 day structured program designed to assist clients in the healing journey. This journey will look at the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical well-being of the client.
A series of sessions that provide clients with basic information about addictions, mental effects, characteristics and attitudes that are associated with addictions.
These are large and small group therapy, one-to-one counselling and group counselling, which stimulates sharing and emotional healing while the individual process stimulates the development of thinking and other intellectual skills as well as emotional healing.
Group Process
Various sessions use groups to share and validate experiences and to develop the understanding necessary for emotional, cultural, and spiritual healing. Groups are also used as a means of support throughout the entire in-patient treatment program.
Skill Development
Teaches clients the tools needed to enhance recovery. Activities are designed to provide clients with learning experiences in essential lifeskills areas such as: communication, assertiveness and problem solving. Other activities include: Elders who are invited as resource people to assist with the cultural component and members of the clergy to assist with the spiritual needs of the clients.
24-Hour Supervision
A Controlled environment where clients are able to deal with their addictions in a Holistic manner.
Out-Patient Services
Individual and Family Counselling
* Providing education, insights and understanding of addictions and recovery from them.
After Care
* Individualized programming to assist clients with transition into stable recovery.
Relapse Prevention
* Individual and group work on recognizing and action planning for prevention of relapses.
Client Assessment
* Through interviews and recognized assessment tools evaluating and developing a recovery plan best suited for the client's needs.
* An educational process designed to ready a client for attendance in our In-patient Program.
* Services provided to enlighten communities about adictions, treatment options and recovery.
The Process to overcoming addictions is a "journey", it is largely an internal journey.
We cannot change the world around us in a major way, but we can change the way we think and feel about it.
Thinking and feeling together is believing. Changing the way we think and feel about the world around us can change what we believe about the world and about our place in it.
We cannot change the things that have happened in the past - our history.
We can change our ability to respond appropriately to the present so that the future can be changed for us.
Holistic Healing
Our goal is to provide a Holistic approach to assist clients of all ethnicities on their road to recovery, providing programming to address the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical healing. This allows individuals to take care of themselves on a daily basis. Clients completing the programming will have the knowledge and ability to nourish and strengthen these aspects of their well-being and restore harmony in their lives.
Youth Program
- Education and Prevention Presentations on drugs and alcohol
- Ongoing drop in group programming
- Alcohol and Drug information
- Self Esteem
- Craving/Trigger management
- STI information/HIV and Hepatitis
- Relationships (healthy vs unhealthy)
- Family of Origin
- Healthy Living
- Trauma/Grief
...and more...
- 1 to 1 counseling services
- Referrals for inpatient treatment, and post treatment support
Children and youth are our future, and with choice, empowerment and knowledge THEY can break cycle of violence and substance use.
Day Program
The Day Program is an ongoing six week program that offers workshops on Monday – Friday at 1:15pm – 4:00pm. Anyone from the community is welcome. The workshops include:
Week One:
- 4 C’s of Addiction
- Disease Concept
- Alcohol / Marijuana / Opiates / Cocaine
Week Two:
- Post-Acute Withdrawal Symptoms
- Craving Identification and Management
- Relapse Warning Signs
- Basic Needs and Resiliency
Week Three:
- Feelings
- Grief and Identifying Losses
- Resentments and Forgiveness
Week Four:
- Relationships
- Co-dependency and Boundaries
- Communication
Week Five:
- Core Issues
- Abandonment and Fear
- Chronic Shock
- Letting Go of Stress
Week Six:
- Social Learning
- Roles and Rules of the Family
- Denial
- Self-Esteem
Additionally, the Day Program offers one on one counselling in the mornings.
